1. Clarify your message
with a content deep-dive that brings your best language to the surface.

2. Refine your voice
by documenting the words to say in a messaging platform to give you confidence.

3. Ignite a movement
by bringing those words to life on your website, in a book, at the mic, and more.
You've got a message that could start a movement.
But all too often, your words fall flat (or never formulate at all)—leaving you feeling marginalized and unqualified (even invisible).
I know how hard it can be to get your products, services, and ideas out there with a passion that inspires movement in such a noisy world.
If you ask me?
It shouldn’t be so hard to be heard.
That’s why, after 20+ years of “writing words” for global brands, I choose to help corporate, nonprofit, and ministry leaders find the words to say to move people to action.
Schedule a Discovery Session

Words are your most powerful engagement tool.
Crafting messaging platforms, storytelling campaigns, and spot-on copy with me leads to the “ah-ha” moments that build trust, foster loyalty, and make people believe again (or maybe for the first time ever).
This kind of writing takes courage. But something tells me you're up for the challenge.
I’m not afraid to use emotion as a driver in my work. And once you work with me, you won’t be, either. You’ll discover that emotion is the secret sauce that moves people to action faster than anything else. (Hello, bottom-line benefit!)
Looking for a little of that? You know you are.
Hire BritOn the fence? Here's what you need to know.
I’ve discovered it’s darn near impossible to do strategic content work by yourself. Even when it's your business, your platform, or your book, you’re just too close to it and you need some fresh perspective.
You need an ally. (That’s where I come in!)
Hire me on a project basis, a monthly retainer, or a straight-up hourly agreement, and I'll help you turn your message into a movement.
Hire BritPlatforms
+ Mission, vision, values
+ Messaging Strategy
+ Creative concepting
+ Brand storytelling
+ Personal platforms
+ Ted Talks
+ Copywriting
+ Editing and proofing
+ Speaking and teaching
+ Curriculum strategy
+ Articles and blogs
+ Learning resources
+ Case stories
+ Team training
+ Executive coaching
+ Author coaching
+ Engagement strategy
+ Persuasive comms
+ Ghostwriting
+ Executive comms
+ Speech writing
+ Fundraising strategy
+ Giving campaigns
+ Launch strategy